//GHSA relax restrictions starting next week

GHSA relax restrictions starting next week

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On behalf of GHSA Executive Director, Dr. Robin Hines:

The GHSA and the Sports Medicine Advisory Council appreciates our member schools’ efforts during the successful implementation of the Coronavirus Guidance Plan.

The GHSA has elected to implement: 1) Allow the use of sports specific equipment (including balls) in conditioning (no scrimmaging), and 2) increase the number of participants in each group from 25 to 50 (two existing groups should be combined into one group), starting Monday, June 22nd with the following stipulations:

1.    Sports specific equipment (including balls) may be used and should be sanitized between sessions.

2.    Existing groups may be combined into one (1) group, up to the limit of 50 individuals.

Attached are two (2) documents: 1) is a Revised Guidance which may be implemented Monday, June 22nd and 2) is the original guidance with newly approved revisions that may be implemented Monday, June 22, 2020.  Recommendations and restrictions are fluid and subject to change.  Safety must be our top priority.

Thanks for all you and your staff do for the student/athletes in the State of Georgia.

— Don CorrAssociate Director