Valdosta adopts 2023 National Electrical Code

VALDOSTA - The Valdosta Inspections Department officially adopts the 2023 National Electrical Code that implements a new dry-in requirement. Release: The City of Valdosta’s Inspections Department has officially adopted the 2023 National Electrical Code (NEC)…

VFD Recruit Class 13 applications now open

VALDOSTA - The Valdosta Fire Department announces applications are now open Recruit Class 13 for anyone wanting to join the team. Release: The Valdosta Fire Department (VFD) is excited to announce that applications for Recruit…

SGBC connects leaders at Government Link Reception

Photo: SGBC Leadership and municipality representatives from across the state attended a networking reception for leaders in business, community, and government at the Russell Innovation Center for Entrepreneurs (RICE) in Atlanta, GA hosted by the Chamber.…

FEMA seeks Lowndes property management companies for Direct…

LOWNDES CO - FEMA is seeking information from Lowndes and other area property management companies for Direct Lease. Release: FEMA is seeking information from property management companies with ready-for-occupancy residential or rental properties in Georgia…