//GA’s State of Hope launches a fourth round of application requests

GA’s State of Hope launches a fourth round of application requests

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State of Hope Launches a Fourth Round of Application Requests

ATLANTA – Georgia’s State of Hope (SOH) opened its fourth round of applications Tuesday, June 1, 2021, and is seeking “Big Ideas” that will help child and family service providers, community members, families and businesses create and sustain nurturing environments for healthy families.

Over the past four years, the SOH ecosystem has grown to include 250 designated sites throughout Georgia who are actively engaged in positively impacting child well-being in their communities through efforts focused in one of the four Opportunities of Hope identified as a SOH pillar: Education, Trauma Awareness, Quality Caregiving, and Economic Self-Sufficiency.

Applications will be accepted June 118 with priority consideration given to ideas that promote one or more of Georgia’s Objectives for Prevention, which are economic stability; mental and physical health for families; family resilience; increasing knowledge of the prevention of child abuse/neglect; and increasing access to early childhood education within the framework of the SOH pillars.

Applicants are invited to review Georgia’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Plan (GCANPP) to learn more about the six Objectives for Prevention and the SOH website prior to submitting their application.

The State of Hope is an initiative that seeks to encourage nonprofits, philanthropies, government, businesses and communities throughout Georgia to collaborate closely to build local safety nets that will prevent conditions that contribute to disparities in education, threaten a family’s self-sufficiency and could lead to child abuse and neglect.

For additional information, please contact stateofhope@dhs.ga.gov.