VALDOSTA — The Quality of Life Association celebrates black history month with a narrated living timeline showcasing many famous Black history figures of yesterday and today. The fundraising event titled, “All Shades Art Exhibit and…
GaDPH WIC to host farmer’s markets across district
VALDOSTA - The Lowndes County Health Department's WIC program will host the annual farmer's markets across the district this summer. Release: Summer is the perfect time to enjoy fresh and local produce. The Georgia Department…
Lowndes County Heald Department to host Monkeypox vaccine…
VALDOSTA - Two vaccination events for Monkeypox will be hosted by the Lowndes County Health Department for people who qualify. Release: Lowndes County Health Department will host two Monkeypox vaccine events in the coming weeks.…
Lowndes receives limited supply of Monkeypox Vaccine
LOWNDES CO. - The Lowndes County Health Department has received a limited supply of Monkeypox Vaccine that will be available by appointment. Release: The Georgia Department of Public Health’s South Health District has received a…
Health Department hosts “Back to School Bash”
VALDOSTA - The South Health District is holding a "Back to School Bash" with goodie bags for children who receive their vaccinations. Release: Lowndes County Health Department encourages parents to beat the end of summer…