//Tybee Island proposes two new license plate designs

Tybee Island proposes two new license plate designs

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Rep. Petrea Announces Final Designs for Proposed Tybee Island Lighthouse License Plate

ATLANTA – State Representative Jesse Petrea (R-Savannah), chair of the House Human Relations & Aging Committee, recently announced the two final designs of a proposed license plate to support the Tybee Island Historical Society. During the 2021 legislative session, Chairman Petrea introduced House Bill 203 to create this special license plate, which would depict the Tybee Island lighthouse if it is passed and enacted into law.

“The Tybee Island Historical Society helps protect and maintain one of our most beloved coastal Georgia treasures, the Tybee Island lighthouse and museum,” said Chairman Petrea. “I encourage all Georgians to support the future of the historical society and help make this special license plate a reality by voting for a final design and preordering their own plate before September 1.”

The proposed license plate would help fund the Tybee Island Historical Society. This historical society will collect preorders of the tag and tally the votes for the preferred design. In order for the bill to be passed during the 2022 legislative session, 1,000 of these specialty tags must be pre-purchased.

Starting today, individuals may vote for their preferred design through September 1, 2021. To vote for one of the two final designs, please visit www.tybeelighthouse.org/license-plate-poll.

For more information on HB 203, please click here.

For more information on preordering the proposed license plate, please click here.