//Common Spence: A Survival Guide for the Common Parent

Common Spence: A Survival Guide for the Common Parent

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By Allison Spence

Hi there, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Allison Spence and I am a sleep deprived, coffee-motivated mother. I am probably not your typical mother. I don’t always post on social media the sweet delicate photos of my child playing nicely at the beach, I like the photos where he is having an ultimate meltdown or picking his nose.

I love my child, I love him so much that I love all of his moments, the good, the bad, the insanely cute.

Today, I sit here behind my computer, listening to The Wiggles on repeat, with a toddler tapping a few keys on the left side of the keyboard every few minutes. Who are The Wiggles you ask? They are an Australian singing group, clothed in bright colors and in this household are highly respected, worshiped almost. I am only kidding, they have saved us a time or two on road trips, through multiple meltdowns and a few dinners out. Well now that I have given The Wiggles free marketing here in America, let me get back on topic and actually introduce myself. My name is Allison, I have a son named Grafton who is 20 months old, a husband named Garrett who is 353 months old, and as of today, I am 28 weeks pregnant. Please follow me on my journey through motherhood, through the grotesque, adorable moments I so gracefully navigate through every day.