VALDOSTA — The Quality of Life Association celebrates black history month with a narrated living timeline showcasing many famous Black history figures of yesterday and today. The fundraising event titled, “All Shades Art Exhibit and…
GaDOE launches ESSER funding dashboard to evaluate COVID-19…
Release: The Georgia Department of Education has developed an ESSER funding dashboard that will provide a simple, transparent way for the public to see Georgia school districts’ use of federal COVID-19 relief funds. The dashboard is available…
Scintilla’s Milestones scores show significant gains in reading…
Release: Scintilla Charter Academy scholars showed significant gains in reading levels based on Georgia Milestones scores from 2021, which the Georgia Department of Education recently released. In 2019, the Nation’s Report Card showed that only…
Georgia beats national average on SAT scores
Release: For the fourth year in a row, Georgia public-school students outperformed their counterparts in the nation’s public schools on the SAT, recording a mean score of 1077 — 39 points higher than the national…
GA Foundation for Public Education awards $115,000 in…
Release: The Georgia Foundation for Public Education awarded its fourth round of Rural Education Fund grants, providing 12 grants to Georgia schools and districts. Totaling $115,003, this year’s Rural Education Fund grants will fund middle-school…
Georgia approves new K-12 mathematics standards
Release: The State Board of Education today approved State School Superintendent Richard Woods’ recommendation to adopt the new K-12 Mathematics Standards. The current (2020-2021) school year will be dedicated to teacher training on the new standards,…
New agreement earns GA students college credit for…
Release: The Georgia Department of Education and Technical College System of Georgia have collaborated to develop statewide articulation agreements that will allow students to receive TCSG college credits for certain Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education…
Superintendent Woods shares school experiences during COVID
Release: As school started last year, I made it a point to be out on the frontlines to hear directly from our students, teachers, and school leaders. I was in more than seventy schools –…
Georgia Milestones test scores released for 2020-2021
Release: Score Reports – Spring 2021 End of Grade (EOG):• State Summary• System Summaries• School Summaries Score Reports – 2020-2021 End of Course (EOC):• State Summary• System Summaries• School Summaries State-, district-, and school-level scores from the 2020-2021 administration of the…