ATLANTA, GA – On Thursday, Governor Brian Kemp announced that he would be extending the restrictions on Georgia nightclubs and bars as well as industry-specific safety restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kemp said he appreciates businesses that have opened and are following safety guidelines, and, “I also stand with the small business owners and others that decided not to open their doors.”
The Governor said, “Today I’ve issued a new executive order to extend several provisions, clarifying existing guidelines for certain businesses and providing guidelines to other operators in our state.” This move being based on the dropping numbers of cases in Georgia and on the advice of health officials.
On the possibility of a “second wave,” Kemp said, “We will continue to track the numbers and continue to head Dr. Toomey’s advice.”
“In light of this new executive order, live performance venues, bars, and nightclubs must remain closed through May 31, 2020,” said Kemp, who acknowledged the difficulties for these businesses, but that, “waiting a little bit longer will enhance health outcomes and give folks the opportunity to prepare for safe reopening in the near future.”
Additionally, Kemp said that, “All Georgians must continue to follow safe distancing, and gatherings of 10 or more people remain banned unless there is at least six feet between each person.”
Other updates included industry specific restrictions being extended, the number of children at childcare facilities being increased, summer day camps being allowed to operate, and restaurants being allowed to increase the number of patrons in dining areas.
(The full briefing from Governor Kemp can be seen in the embedded video above, or you can visit HERE)