LOWNDES – Lowndes EMA is warning of black ice conditions; local schools will be closed again Thursday.
This is an Alert Lowndes Update from Lowndes County Emergency Management. Most of Lowndes County is still covered in snow and ice from the precipitation received last night. While some melting is beginning to occur, temperatures are expected to drop below freezing again as early as 6 PM. Any melted ice or snow is almost certain to refreeze overnight, leaving black ice on most of our roadways. These icy conditions will not begin to improve until temperatures rise above freezing again around Noon tomorrow. Because conditions will still be treacherous, we are encouraging everyone to remain off of the roadways through tomorrow morning and until roads start to dry tomorrow afternoon. As a result of the unsafe driving conditions, all of our local schools will be closed again tomorrow. In addition, local government offices and Moody AFB have announced office closures with the exception of essential personnel.
Warming shelters will again be available at the Women’s Building located at 1409 N Patterson St and QUOLA Soup Kitchen located at 115 E Florida Ave. Anyone who has to be outside should make sure to dress appropriately to avoid frostbite and hypothermia. If you must be on the roads, make sure you leave plenty of time to get to your destination, drive with extra caution and leave extra space between you and the vehicle in front of you.
First responders have been extra busy over the last day and a half, responding to keep our community safe. Travel is just as dangerous for them so please do your part to limit their need to be out in the inclement weather by limiting travel to only what is necessary for work, medical care or other emergencies. 911 does not have information on weather forecast, road conditions or other general information. Please only call 911 if you need assistance from law enforcement, fire department or emergency medical services. Follow EMALowndes on Facebook for the latest information.