Lowndes County Schools open Tuesday, closed Wednesday
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LOWNDES – Lowndes County Schools will be open Tuesday, but closed Wednesday due to weather conditions.
Lowndes County Schools Open Tuesday, Closed Wednesday
Viking Family,
We want you to know that we have been closely monitoring Winter Storm Demi and have been in contact with Lowndes EMA and other officials. With the storm’s timing, there are no anticipated threats during school hours on Tuesday, so we will have school on Tuesday, January 21st.
All after-school activities on Tuesday will end by 5:00 pm, including Prime Time. The Lowndes versus Colquitt basketball game is postponed.
However, with the chance of ice and possible snow on the roads Wednesday morning, and the safety of our staff and students being our top priority, we have made the decision to close all Lowndes County Schools and System offices Wednesday, January 22nd.
We look forward to seeing our students at school tomorrow and encourage you to stay safe and warm on Wednesday!