//Lowndes Utilities awards 11 year old for good citizenship

Lowndes Utilities awards 11 year old for good citizenship

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Lowndes County Utilities Awards Certificate of Appreciation to 11-Year-Old Citizen

Lowndes County, Georgia- On Sunday, April 25, 2021 Lowndes County Utilities was experiencing extremely low water pressure at Lake Alapaha Plantation. Employees with the Utilities Department had searched for several hours trying to detect a leak or problem related to the low water pressure but was unsuccessful at locating where the problem was coming from.

Later that afternoon, 11-year-old Lowndes County resident Alex Watts became aware of a Lowndes County Utilities water main break and notified his mother. Alex’s mother then notified Lowndes County Utilities Superintendent James Rosenbaum who met with Alex and he was able to show him where the water was running into the storm drain.

“Normally we can locate leaks fairly quickly, however this leak occurred in the middle of an intersection, under the asphalt and no water was coming to surface,” said Lowndes County Utilities Director Steve Stalvey. “Alex’s help in locating the leak was instrumental in water being restored to the entire community,” said Stalvey.

“Anytime a citizen contributes in a manner like Alex did it is invaluable,” said Lowndes County Manager Paige Dukes. “We appreciate Alex for going above and beyond to help us locate the leak and showing an interest in the utilities field, “said Dukes.

Lowndes County Utilities honored Alex on April 29, 2021 with a Certificate of Appreciation, Lowndes County Utilities t-shirt and gift cards to one of his favorite restaurants, Chick-fil-A.

For more information visit, www.lowndescounty.com.