//Valdosta Traffic Management Upgrading Traffic Lights

Valdosta Traffic Management Upgrading Traffic Lights

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City of Valdosta Press Release: 

The City of Valdosta’s Traffic Management Division is upgrading software at the traffic lights around Valdosta. The Traffic Management Division staff have been conducting traffic studies to improve the traffic flow for citizens.

“The major change that the public will notice with this particular upgrade is, we’re going from a yellow red flash, which means, on the main street, it will flash yellow and on side streets it will flash red. Now we’re going to what we call all red flashers. So if there are any problems with the traffic signal, each direction will be flashing red, so we’ll have to treat it like a four way stop,”says Larry Ogden, Traffic Manager. “It’s an issue that will make it safer for the public. This will reduce the number of accidents at traffic signals.”

The upgrades to all one hundred and twenty-eight traffic signals in the city will take roughly six weeks.

For more information, contact, Larry Ogden, Traffic Manager, at (229) 259-3530 or Azhia Smothers, Public Information Specialist, at (229) 671-3615 or asmothers@valdostacity.com