Courtesy of WCTV:
By: Emma Wheeler | WCTV Eyewitness News
VALDOSTA, Ga. (WCTV) — New improvements could be on their way to the Valdosta Regional Airport.
The Valdosts-Lowndes County Airport Authority is working to buy land on the airports southeast side. This would allow officials to take out a row of trees that currently blocking visibility.
Once those trees are gone, airport officials said that will mean better visibility for pilots, as well as safer landings.
“Sometimes when it’s above minimums they’ll start the approach, but they can’t quite get to where they can see the runway environment, and that will result in going around, or many diverting to a different air field. So we at least try to get down to the minimum here so we can give them the best chance at landing they have in bad weather,” said Jim Galloway, Airport Manager and Executive Director.
The project would be paid for through a $575,000 grant from the FAA. Part of that money would also go towards other upgrades, like resurfacing and strengthening taxi ways and new lights, which helps pilots approach runways.
Once the grant is accepted, the project is expected to take about three years for complete.