//Brooks County: Detour Plans Going on Display for Bridge Replacement

Brooks County: Detour Plans Going on Display for Bridge Replacement

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GDOT Press Release:

Detour plans will be displayed May 29 for an upcoming proposed state project to replace an old railroad bridge in downtown Quitman.

The bridge is located along US 221/SR 76/South Court Street. It was built in 1938 and doesn’t meet current minimum vertical and horizontal clearances to the railroad tracks. The Georgia Department of Transportation proposes to replace the bridge with one that will have four, 12-foot lanes, a raised median, gutter and sidewalk. At this time the project is proposed to be advertised for bid in 2020.

A detour would be used during construction. West Crawford Street would also close periodically during construction for positioning of cranes needed to install bridge beams. Georgia DOT will display the proposed detour route from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Brooks County commissioner’s office, 610 S. Highland St., in Quitman. There will not be a formal presentation, but the public is encouraged to drop in. Representatives will be available to answer questions.

Comments may be submitted during the open house or by June 12 using any of the following methods:

  • Online at www.dot.ga.gov/PS/Public/PublicOutreach
    • From the menu, select the county in which the proposed project is located and click Go;
    • Select 5/29/18-SR 76 at CS 735 Bridge Replacement;
    • Click comment and follow the instructions.
  • Mail your comment card to Eric Duff, Georgia Department of Transportation, 600 W. Peachtree St., NW, 16th Floor, Atlanta, Ga. 30308.

Project displays and plans will be available for review at the website listed above for 10 days after the open house. Hard copies will be available at the Georgia DOT office in Moultrie at 120 Veterans Parkway N. and the district office at 710 W. Second St. in Tifton.