VALDOSTA — The Quality of Life Association celebrates black history month with a narrated living timeline showcasing many famous Black history figures of yesterday and today. The fundraising event titled, “All Shades Art Exhibit and…
GaDOE recognizes February as CTAE month
In honor of CTAE month, the State Board of Education issued a resolution recognizing the success of the program and educators. Release: February is Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Month. At the State Board…
GaDOE to help rural schools with teacher recruitment
The GaDOE is working to help provide rural school districts with teacher recruitment and hiring assistance. Release: The Georgia Department of Education is working to provide teacher recruitment and hiring assistance to 31 school districts…
Education transparency package measures increased
A proposal package of measures to strenthen transparency between schools and the community was approved by the State Board of Education. Release: State School Superintendent Richard Woods is proposing a package of measures to strengthen…
Georgia BOE selects new officers, Kemp appoints new…
Release: The State Board of Education, at its December meeting, selected a new slate of officers. Jason Downey (8th Congressional District) will serve as chair and Dr. Stan DeJarnett (10th Congressional District) will serve as…
Gov. Kemp appoints new State Board of Education…
Release: Governor Brian Kemp has appointed William Franklin Griffin, Jr. to the State Board of Education. "Georgia's State Board of Education helps us create an environment in which local schools and systems are empowered to develop…
Georgia approves new K-12 mathematics standards
Release: The State Board of Education today approved State School Superintendent Richard Woods’ recommendation to adopt the new K-12 Mathematics Standards. The current (2020-2021) school year will be dedicated to teacher training on the new standards,…