//State DDS services to close in January for systems update

State DDS services to close in January for systems update

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State Department of Driver Services and Department of Revenue Prepare for System Modernization

DECEMBER 18, 2020

Scheduled Closings Announced; Customers Urged to Plan Ahead

The Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) and the Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) will soon complete a technology upgrade called DRIVES — Driver Record and Integrated Vehicle Enterprise System. This multi-year upgrade modernizes the current DDS Driver’s License system and the DOR Tag & Title system.  The new system will offer more self-service options, improve customer service, and enhance data integrity.

While DOR and County Tax Commissioners have been utilizing DRIVES since Spring 2019, this important upgrade done in tandem with the DDS system transition will ensure each Agency will have access to the most recent enhancements and features of the software.

The DRIVES system establishes a customer-centric enterprise solution to support each Agency, and the partners will maintain their individual roles as defined in state law.  DDS will continue to handle the state’s driver license and ID Card issuance function by properly trained and certified driver examiners.  Each County Tax Commissioner will continue their established mission including motor vehicle license plate and title administration. 

Both Agencies have encouraged those with January renewal dates to plan ahead and renew early. 

“We are excited for this upgrade which will enable us to provide the best customer service possible whether in person or online once the upgrade is complete.  I encourage customers whose driver’s license and/or ID is scheduled to expire during the month of January 2021 to renew their credential prior to the scheduled closings,” said DDS Commissioner Spencer R. Moore. Another important DRIVES benefit will be enhanced security features which will help deter fraud and identity theft. Once the transition is complete, customers will be prompted to reestablish their existing DDS online account for security purposes. 

According to DOR Commissioner David Curry, “The Department of Revenue and Tag Offices in all 159 counties have been using the system since May of 2019, and we look forward to the realization of this long-term vision with our partners at DDS.  Like Commissioner Moore, I encourage all customers with vehicle registrations expiring in January to complete their renewals before January 13th.”

In preparation for the launch, both Agencies will have scheduled closings as outlined below.

Closing Schedule

  • Department of Driver Services (DDS): January 14-18, 2021
    During the closing, customers will not be able to visit in person or utilize DDS online services or the DDS 2 Go mobile app.
  • Department of Revenue (DOR) and County Tag Offices’ Motor Vehicle Operations: January 13-18, 2021
    During the outage, no walk-in, online, or kiosk services will be available for customers.

Both Agencies will be operational on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 and ask for patience as this necessary system modernization is completed.