//GDOT encourages driving cautiously, continues treating ice on SW GA roads

GDOT encourages driving cautiously, continues treating ice on SW GA roads

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TIFTON – The Georgia Department of Transportation continues to treat ice on the roads in Southwest Georgia while encouraging drivers to use caution.


Georgia Department of Transportation continues to treat ice on state roads in Southwest Georgia and encourages motorists to avoid travel if possible and use caution as the slush that is on the road will refreeze overnight.

Drivers need to be particularly aware of the potential for black ice, a thin, clear layer of ice that forms on roads and other surfaces and is difficult to detect. 

Since Jan. 19, SWGA crews have applied 141,000 gallons of brine, 508.75 tons of salt and 291.25 tons of stone to state roads and bridges. Georgia DOT crews will continue to work into the night to treat icy road and bridge conditions with salt or a salt/stone mixture. Non-essential travel is discouraged, but if travel cannot be avoided, keep these driving tips in mind.

  • Drive slowly: Reduce your speed to at least half your normal speed. 
  • Increase following distance: Increase your following distance to 8-10 seconds. 
  • Avoid abrupt steering: Avoid steering while braking or accelerating. 
  • Use low gear: Use a low gear when driving. 
  • Watch for icy spots: Look for shiny patches on the road, especially on bridges, overpasses, and in shady areas. 
  • Be aware of other drivers: Be aware of other drivers who may suddenly swerve for no reason. 

The Georgia Department of Transportation is committed to providing a safe, seamless and sustainable transportation system that supports Georgia’s economy and is sensitive to both its citizens and its environment.