Turner Center announces soprano for SCORE concert

VALDOSTA - The Turner Center for the Arts welcomes Roza Tulyaganova as the feature for the second SCORE Classical Music Concerts. Release: The Annette Howell Turner Center for the Arts announces the second concert in…

SJCS scores higher than nation average

Photo: SJCS - Kindergarten Science Class - Mrs. Baumgartner's Kindergarten class completed a science experiment inspired by Dr. Seuss' book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, by making their own oobleck to learn about solids and liquids.…

GA students surpass national avg. on ACT for…

Release: For the fifth year in a row, Georgia students surpass national average on ACT Percent of GA graduates meeting ACT college readiness benchmarks also exceeds national average. Data: View the full Georgia report.xlsx?csf=1&e=bW8Vca) | School-level scores.xlsx?csf=1&e=2tBeZF)…

High school football returns

VALDOSTA, GA - This weekend, local area high school football kicks in high gear, and ValdostaToday.com has you covered! The SGMC High School Football Scoreboard features up to the minute scores on the regional area's…

VSU waiving test score requirements for undergraduates

Release: VALDOSTA — Valdosta State University continues to waive SAT/ACT scores for all first-year undergraduate applicants who meet high school grade point average, high school curriculum, and other established requirements for admissions.   Following guidance from…

Georgia school ratings being updated

ATLANTA - On Tuesday, March 10 the Georgia Governor's Office of Student Achievement will be updating scores and ratings for Georgia schools. The Financial Efficiency Star Rating provides a comparison of district spending per student…