PAC Worldwide invests $47 Million in Fulton County…

Release: Atlanta, GA – Governor Brian P. Kemp today announced that PAC Worldwide, a global manufacturer of custom packaging solutions, will open its first location in Georgia with a $47 million investment in Fulton County.…

Milletech creates over 400 jobs in Fulton County

Release: Milletech Systems Inc. to Move Entire Operation to Georgia, Create 465 Jobs in Fulton County Atlanta, June 24, 2020 –Governor Brian P. Kemp today announced that enterprise software solutions and services company Milletech Systems Inc.…

CDC Partners with Georgia DPH in Antibody Survey

Release: Georgia Department of Public Health Partners with CDC on COVID-19 Antibody Testing Survey APRIL 27, 2020 Atlanta – The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) is partnering with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…