USA Rescue Team puts out urgent plea for…

Hidden in the overwhelming amount of COVID-19 news is a story that is becoming increasingly urgent. According to Tara Parker of USA Rescue Team, local shelters and rescues are in great need for temporary volunteer…

Catastrophe Avoided

Valdosta – Brandi Loucks had a tearful reunion Monday afternoon with her cat Gypsy. Gypsy had been in a tree for almost a week when Voigt’s Crane Rental came to the rescue. On the morning…

Lowndes County Animal Shelter Open House

 VALDOSTA,G.A.-An open house will be held from 11:00-4:00 on  Saturday,  April  5, at the Lowndes County Animal  Shelter!  Shelter staff  and  members of our local animal  care community will be on  hand  to provide information related…