VALDOSTA — The Quality of Life Association celebrates black history month with a narrated living timeline showcasing many famous Black history figures of yesterday and today. The fundraising event titled, “All Shades Art Exhibit and…
GDOL invites unemployed to use ‘Employ Georgia’ to…
Release: Employ Georgia’s Career Options Offer Long-Term Solutions In April, 82 perent of the Georgians receiving unemployment benefits earned less than $20,000 annually in their prior employment, but with the federal unemployment insurance supplements, these…
Pandemic unemployment benefit soon to end in GA
Release: Governor Kemp, State Labor Commissioner Announce Economic Recovery Plan Atlanta, GA – Recently Governor Brian P. Kemp and Georgia Department of Labor Commissioner Mark Butler announced Georgia’s plan for reemployment and economic recovery. To address…
Georgia unemployment rate drops to 4.5%
Release: Atlanta, GA - Today, Governor Brian P. Kemp issued the following statement in response to Georgia's unemployment rate dropping from 4.8% in February to 4.5% for the month of March. The national unemployment average is 6.0%. "Georgia's…
GDOL announces continued increase in Georgia jobs
Release: Georgia’s Unemployment Rate Drops in March While Jobs Increase Atlanta, GA – The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) announced recently that Georgia’s unemployment rate dropped 0.3 percentage points to reach 4.5 percent in March while the state saw…
Georgians prepare to reapply for UI as their…
Release: Thousands of Georgians Reapplying for UI Benefits Due to End of Benefit Year Atlanta, GA – Although businesses are starting to return to full capacity as more individuals receive vaccinations, many Georgians are still out…
GDOL issues more UI claims this year than…
Release: GDOL Releases More UI Payments to Georgians Than Last 82 Years Combined Atlanta, GA – Last week, the Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) surpassed a major milestone in the organization paying claimants more in the past 12 months than in…
Valdosta shows improved unemployment rates
Release: Valdosta Posts Positive Numbers Across the Board in February Georgia Labor Commissioner Mark Butler said Thursday that Valdosta saw positive over-the-month measures for every key indicator in February. “February’s numbers are a strong indication the state is…
Georgia’s unemployed reminded to reapply for UI benefits
Release: GDOL Reminds Claimants to Reapply When Benefit Year Ends Atlanta, GA – After 53 weeks of the pandemic, many Georgians are reaching the end of the normally allotted time period for receiving unemployment insurance (UI) benefits. Claimants…