Rudnik > A College Education at the Twilight…

As the Great Liberal Arts Bust Begins, What does it Say about the State of American Higher Education? Nick Rudnik, Valdosta Today Opinion Contributor The women’s liberal arts college: a relic from an age quite…

Rudnik > Vaccines and the “Survival of the…

Nick Rudnik, Valdosta Today Opinion Contributor: The Anti-Vaccine Movement is a Result of Erroneous Concerns, Misplaced Fear In 1973, pioneering vaccine researcher Jonas Salk penned The Survival of the Wisest. Salk’s work was a zeitgeist.…

Rudnik > The Ghosts of “Selma”

Nick Rudnik, Valdosta Today Opinion Contributor: Ava DuVernay’s “Selma” is, in a word, haunting. “Selma” represents struggle. The very name of the rural Alabama hamlet has become a rather ubiquitous heuristic of great human tumult—and…