VALDOSTA — The Quality of Life Association celebrates black history month with a narrated living timeline showcasing many famous Black history figures of yesterday and today. The fundraising event titled, “All Shades Art Exhibit and…
Georgia DHS receives cash assistance for programs
ATLANTA - More than $1 billion has been dedicated to the Georgia Department of Human Services for cash assistance to government benefit programs. Release: Governor Brian P. Kemp announced that he has dedicated more than…
Georgians’ need for SNAP remains high
Release: According to the AJC, the need for food stamp assistance in Georgia remains steady after a large increase when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the state. The number of households that received food stamps in…
GA providing supplemental funding to feed vulnerable families
Release: ATLANTA – The Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) is pleased to announce the distribution of $11.9 million in supplemental Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding to partner agencies to help…
DFCS devotes $11.9 Million to families in need…
Release: Georgia provides supplemental funding to feed vulnerable families FEBRUARY 19, 2021 ATLANTA – The Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) is pleased to announce the distribution of $11.9 million in supplemental Temporary…