Opinion: The DC razzle dazzle

Article Submission: The DC razzle dazzle Column by Gary Wisenbaker ______________________________________________________________________ When asked how he could possibly win a case in court when the obvious and demonstrable facts pointed to his client’s criminal guilt, lawyer…

Perception management and the Socialist Democrats

Submitted article by Gary M. Wisenbaker That the United States of America, along with her institutions and way of life, is under siege needs no “fact check”. Since Joe Biden assumed the presidency the assault…

GA Ag Commissioner disappointed in ruling

Release: Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Disappointed with Dicamba Ruling Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary W. Black is asserting his displeasure at the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to vacate dicamba registrations.…

Gary Goff Appointed NCAA D2 Committee Member

VALDOSTA, Ga.— Gary Goff, head football coach of the VSU Blazers, has been appointed to the NCAA Division II Football Committee. According to VSU Athletics, his term on the committee will extend from September 1,…

Wisenbaker > Obama’s Welfare State of the Union

Gary Wisenbaker, Valdosta Today Editorial Director: So now the president has delivered his vaunted State of the Union address to Congress and the nation. Article 2 of the Constitution vests the executive power of the…

Editorial | The Shameful Tactic of Identity Politics

Gary M. Wisenbaker, Valdosta Today Editorial Director: So the Great Midterm Election of 2014 ends. Georgians are spared, against all the predictions of main stream polling and punditry, the ordeal of a gubernatorial runoff in…