The ADR International Appeal and Opportunity for Host…

Gary Wisenbaker, Valdosta Today Contibutor: While covering an aspect of the Alternative Dispute Resolution- or ADR- process somewhat beyond its practical applicability on the local level, this article still demonstrates the appeal of the ADR…

Polls and Elections: Let Us Count the Ways!

Gary M. Wisenbaker, Valdosta Today Political Contributor: A recent New York Times/CBS News/YouGOV Battleground Tracker poll released on September 7 confirms what most other credible polls had to say about the United States Senate race…

Your Family’s Business | Mediation (Part 1)

“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers!” Dick Butcher’s plan of action revealed in Shakespeare’s King Henry IV is no doubt ground zero for the next 500 years’ worth of lawyer jokes.…