City Youth Honored at Valdosta Junior Fire Marshals…

[caption id="attachment_12628" align="alignleft" width="300"] Valdosta Fire Chief Freddie Broome and Ms. Betty Baty, widow of the late Valdosta Fire Marshal John H. Baty, presented J.L. Lomax student Arianna Booker with the 2014 Junior Fire Marshal…

City of Valdosta Prepares for Mosquito Season

VALDOSTA, GA - The warmer temperatures, longer days and collections of standing water from recent heavy rains are all contributing elements of South Georgia’s most dreaded season—mosquito season. There’s no doubt that citizens have noticed…

City Makes Road Repairs in Coming Weeks

VALDOSTA, GA - The City of Valdosta will make road repairs in high traffic areas of the city in the coming weeks.  While construction and detours may pose some inconveniences to local motorists, street maintenance is…

City Makes Repairs on N. Forrest Street

VALDOSTA, GA - The City of Valdosta will make road repairs to N. Forrest Street, between Inner Perimeter Road and Northside Drive, during the week of April 7.  Staff coordinated these repairs with the Valdosta…