//Triplets Plan to Put Brooks County Golf on the Map

Triplets Plan to Put Brooks County Golf on the Map

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Brooks-County-GolfersBROOKS COUNTY, GA – Golf takes years to master. Some people play the game for a lifetime and never get a handle it. The Brooks County trio of Marvin, Dalton, and MaryLyn Kemp are already well on their way to figuring out golf – at least as much as a person can. “They’ve all three come a long way. They haven’t been playing very long and we can already see tremendous improvement,” says their father, Hal Kemp, a golfer himself and the reason why his trio play to this day.

Golf runs in the Kemp family. A few years ago, the children started going to the course with their father. He generally took one at a time and they rotated who would go on a given Saturday. Marvin and Dalton began playing in the sixth grade, MaryLyn in the seventh. Their primary coach has been their father. They’ve listened to what he’s told them and they have improved accordingly. This year, at the season’s last match, Marvin shot a 39 while Dalton carded a 41. MaryLyn turned in a 50. These scores were all personal bests. “This year, I feel like we started to come into our own,” says MaryLyn.

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