//Valdosta Government 101 Orientation accepting applications

Valdosta Government 101 Orientation accepting applications

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VALDOSTA – The City of Valdosta is now accepting applications for citizens interested in a behind-the-scenes view of local government.


Citizens who want an inside look at their city government are urged to sign up for the 14th annual Government 101 Citizens Orientation, which takes place from April 10-May 15, 2023. The Valdosta Mayor and City Council initiative includes the participation of up to five high school seniors with a parent or legal guardian also enrolled in the program. The City of Valdosta is accepting applications through March 24.

Participants of the program will meet on seven consecutive Mondays, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., and will be exposed to the programs and services of city government. The sessions include presentations on the following: city government overview, public safety, municipal court, engineering, public works, utilities, financial administration, industrial and economic development, recreation, community development, planning and zoning, and neighborhood development, in addition to several facility tours and guest presentations.

Applicants will undergo a background investigation as part of the application process and must also complete a separate criminal history form that may be obtained upon submission of the completed application. Citizens should be aware that a felony or recent serious misdemeanor conviction may result in an applicant’s exclusion from participation. Personal information given will be kept strictly confidential. 

A maximum of 25 people will be selected for the class from citizens who submit a completed application by the deadline and pass the required background checks. 

The Valdosta Government 101 Orientation is one of three volunteer programs in the City of Valdosta available to citizens—the other two are the Citizens Police Academy and Citizens Fire Academy—designed to give citizens valuable knowledge of resources through a behind-the-scenes view inside local government. Many graduates of these programs have utilized their experiences and knowledge gained to pursue public service opportunities, such as serving on local boards, commissions, and other public offices.

Application forms are available at the Public Information Office or online at https://tinyurl.com/vldgovt101. For more information, contact Community Relations and Marketing Manager, Sharah’ Denton at (229) 259-3548. Completed applications should be returned to the Public Information Office, Valdosta City Hall Annex, 300 N. Lee Street, Room 102, or completed online by the March 24 deadline.