//Opinion > Sheppard: “We need to kill our oppressors”

Opinion > Sheppard: “We need to kill our oppressors”

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PJ Media

VALDOSTA — Valdosta State University student Eric Sheppard, who has been on the run since April 21, has put out a violent, 4,700-word manifesto bashing white people and threatening to “annihilate those who come after me.” Sheppard is wanted on weapons charges and for making terrorist threats via social media.

On April 17, Sheppard was videotaped with other black radicals pontificating on race, and using the United States flag as a doormat as part of a protest on campus. He got into a tussle with Air Force vet Michelle Manhart after she snatched the flag away from them in an attempt to prevent its desecration.

The former Playboy model was briefly detained by campus police and banned from the premises after the incident. The following week, when VSU police were performing extra patrols due to the anti-flag protests at the university, they discovered Sheppard’s backpack, which contained a handgun. In addition to that, several alarming videos surfaced of Sheppard telling VSU students on campus about his visceral hatred of white people and the need to “kill our oppressors.”

Meanwhile, Sheppard’s supporters imitated his flag-stomping stunt on Twitter using the hashtag “#EricSheppardChallenge,” photographing themselves stomping on Old Glory.

In “a rambling, profanity-laced” “memorandum ultimatum” sent to the Valdosta Daily Times last week, Sheppard condemned white people and the local police, and said he will “annihilate” anyone who comes after him.

PJ Media