Wisenbaker > Governing vs. Relevancy: A New Day…

Gary M. Wisenbaker, Valdosta Today Editorial Director: Last Sunday’s talk shows resurrected the incessant nattering from political pundits of all stripes since last November that the Republicans “must show that they can govern” now that…

Opinion | The Obama Administration’s Myth of Transparency

Nick Rudnik, Valdosta Today Opinion Contributor: Obama calls for most transparent and accountable administration in history—results prove otherwise In 2007, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama released a now-ubiquitous press release entitled, “Obama Pledges Most Transparent and…

President Obama Signs Georgia Emergency Declaration

ATLANTA, GA - Gov. Nathan Deal announced today that President Obama has declared an emergency in the state of Georgia and ordered federal aid to supplement state and local response efforts due to the emergency…

President Pardons Two Inmates in Georgia

ATLANTA, GA - Two inmates in Georgia have received pardons or commutations from President Barack Obama. In a press release last Thursday, White House Officials said Helen Alexander Gray, of Tift County, was arrested in…

Government Shutdown Comes to an End

WASHINGTON (AP)-- The White House has directed all government agencies reopen now as the partial government shutdown is over. President Barack Obama signed a measure early Thursday morning reopening the government and expanding the nations borrowing…