Weigh Scale Work to Disrupt I-75 South Traffic…

LOWNDES Co. - Motorists should expect a traffic disruption this week on Interstate 75 south near the weigh station for a statewide Georgia Department of Transportation project called Weigh In Motion. The work is expected…

Morning News Briefs for 3-29-16

During a press conference Governor Nathan Deal declared that his veto of the Religious Liberty bill was not due to pressure from the business and entertainment sectors who had threatened to withdraw their projects from…

OPINION: Partnered But Poor

[caption id="attachment_33370" align="alignnone" width="630"] source: NYTimes.com[/caption] By Shawn Fremstad | Center for American Progress People living in single-parent families are much more likely to have low incomes and experience economic hardships than those living in both…

VSU Hosts Spring Career Expo

VALDOSTA - The Office of Career Opportunities at Valdosta State University hosted its 2016 Spring Career Expo on Thursday, March 24. Students took advantage of the opportunity to network with the more than 50 employers —…

Morning News Briefs for 3-28-16

The celebration of the 2016 observance of National Community Development Week, will continue through April 1, with a variety of events during the week highlighting the city’s Community Development Block Grant  program. The CDBG program…