//Freezer manufacturing facility to create new jobs in Georgia

Freezer manufacturing facility to create new jobs in Georgia

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Gov. Kemp Announces IC Biomedical to Open Cryo Freezer Manufacturing Facility in Bartow County

Atlanta, GA – Governor Brian P. Kemp recently announced that IC Biomedical, a producer of cryogenic freezers, will make a multi-million dollar investment in opening an advanced manufacturing facility near Cartersville. As demand for medical-grade freezers continues to surge, the facility will deliver more than 80 jobs to Bartow County.

“IC Biomedical’s decision to open a manufacturing facility in Georgia is a testament to our thriving biomedical community, highly skilled workforce, and our world-class logistics network,” said Governor Kemp. “I’m thankful to IC Biomedical for their investment in the No. 1 state for business and for opening up great job opportunities to hardworking Georgians.”

IC Biomedical manufactures premium cryogenic equipment, including stainless steel and aluminum freezers, Dewars, shippers, and other custom equipment used for safe storage and transportation of medical products such as vaccines, therapies, and other biological specimens.

“IC Biomedical is committed to manufacturing class-leading products with innovation, quality, and technical excellence,” said CEO of IC Biomedical Steve Shaw. “Georgia was the obvious choice for us – a highly trained workforce, transport links, and a state infrastructure committed to the life science sector that is able to support our business in a way no other location could offer.”

IC Biomedical will operate in a recently constructed 75,000-square-foot facility located on Cass-White Road, near Cartersville. IC Biomedical will be hiring for positions in advanced manufacturing, engineering, and technical development. Individuals interested in careers with IC Biomedical are encouraged to visit icbiomedical.com/careers for additional information.

“Bartow County is pleased to welcome IC Biomedical for many reasons,” said Bartow County Sole Commissioner Steve Taylor. “We expect there are many talented Bartow residents that can shorten their commute considerably with these excellent bioscience jobs closer to home. We look forward to the company becoming another great partner, specifically in education, to Cartersville-Bartow County. It is also exciting to see the first building in Interstate Commerce Park prove such a success for everyone – the timing was ideal to welcome this great company.”

“Congratulations to IC Biomedical on the selection of Cartersville for their new manufacturing facility,” said Katie Kirkpatrick, president and CEO of the Metro Atlanta Chamber. “We are pleased to have IC Biomedical join metro Atlanta’s growing life sciences community with assets like Emory School of Medicine, Morehouse School of Medicine, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Georgia Tech and the many businesses engaged in research, development, manufacturing, and distribution of life science related products and supplies.”

Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) Director of Life Sciences EJane Caraway represented the Global Commerce division on this project in partnership with the Cartersville-Bartow County Department of Economic Development, Georgia BIO, Metro Atlanta Chamber, and Georgia Power.

“Recent events have proven the importance of IC Biomedical’s products within our global health ecosystems,” said GDEcD Commissioner Pat Wilson. “Home to top-ranked research universities and organizations including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Task Force for Global Health, Georgia is a hotbed for every aspect of the life sciences industry – from research and development to production and distribution. I’m confident IC Biomedical will find great success here, and I thank Steve Shaw for reinvesting in his hometown.”

In 2020, Georgia exported $1.8 billion in medical devices and pharmaceuticals. In addition to global access, Georgia provides innovative talent to harness the growth of technology and the impact on various sectors of life science and health IT.