VALDOSTA — The Quality of Life Association celebrates black history month with a narrated living timeline showcasing many famous Black history figures of yesterday and today. The fundraising event titled, “All Shades Art Exhibit and…
United Way helps offer local residents free transportation
Release: The Valdosta On-Demand system will provide residents with free transportation throughout the city thanks to the Greater Valdosta United Way and other nonprofits. The program will provide transportation for free through the use of…
Georgia expands electric transportation industry
Release: Gov. Kemp Announces Statewide Initiative to Accelerate Georgia’s Electric Mobility Industry Atlanta, GA – Recently, Governor Brian P. Kemp announced a statewide initiative to strengthen Georgia's position as a national leader in the electric mobility…
Valdosta/Lowndes transportation planning agency amends transportation improvement program
Release: VALDOSTA – The committees of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), the transportation planning agency of the Southern Georgia Regional Commission (SGRC), met in-person and virtually, the first week of June, via teleconference…
Engineering Georgia honors STB member in Top 100…
Release: Ann Purcell Named Among Top 100 Influential Women in Georgia Engineering ATLANTA –Engineering Georgia, the official magazine of Georgia’s engineering industry, recently released its annual listing of the “Top 100 Influential Women in Georgia…
Section of SR 112 to be closing for…
Release: Wilcox Co: railroad maintenance to close SR 112 crossing ROCHELLE – The State Route (SR) 112 railroad crossing in Rochelle is scheduled to close Wednesday, May 5, for maintenance. The crossing is immediately south of…
Bridge in Early County to close for replacement
Release: Early County bridge closing for replacement BLAKELY – Georgia Department of Transportation continues to reduce the number of deficient county bridges with the upcoming replacement of the Little Kolomoki Creek bridge, which is scheduled to close…
$277 Million in COVID-19 response funds transferred to…
Release: Gov. Kemp Announces $277 Million in Federal Coronavirus Relief Funding to GDOT for Rural Projects Funds will speed up projects in rural Georgia by thirteen years Atlanta, GA – Governor Brian P. Kemp recently announced…
Valdosta to conduct major repaving project with LMIG…
Release: LMIG Program Provides Funding to Repave City Streets The City of Valdosta will resurface 50 city streets (5.12 miles) using funds provided by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant…