//Georgia Republican Files Bill Hoping to Allow Gun Carry Without a Permit

Georgia Republican Files Bill Hoping to Allow Gun Carry Without a Permit

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If you have been committed to a mental institution against your will in the last five years, or are a convicted felon, the state of Georgia bars you from owning guns. Otherwise, you can pay $75, depending on the county probate court, and register wit Georgia as long as you pass a  background check in order to obtain a license and carry a gun in public.
Gurtler contends that law-abiding Georgians are taxed millions yearly for “exercising their God-given natural rights of self-defense,” under the U.S. Constitution in accordance with the the second amendment, asserting that it shall not be infringed upon and is a “no-compromise statement.”
Governor-elect Brian Kemp has said he does support the carry of guns in Georgia without a permit, and has pledged to support the Second Amendment. Kemp was heartily endorsed by gun rights groups, such as Georgia Carry and the National Rifle Association (NRA), demonstrated affably in a television advertisement in which he holds a shotgun pointed at his daughter’s would-be boyfriend.