//City of Valdosta releases Utility Grant Assistance FAQ sheet

City of Valdosta releases Utility Grant Assistance FAQ sheet

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Temporary Residential Utility Grant Assistance Program FAQ Sheet

What is the utility grant program?

The COVID-19 Temporary Residential Utility Grant Assistance Program will provide one-time utility assistance to eligible City of Valdosta households who are low to moderate-income or have suffered a loss of income related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Limited funding is available, the program is open first come first serve to 1107 city residents. The City of Valdosta Utility Assistance program is available to City residents for up to 6 months of utility arrearages originating no earlier than March of 2020.

How do I make an appointment?

Citizens were able to make appointments to complete the required grant application beginning September 14, 2020. The City received approximately 12,000 calls and made 1,107 appointments with all appointments being filled by September 15, 2020. 

Will future appointments be available?

At this time no further appointment can be made, but appointments may become available and city staff will send information for appointment availability to the public.

Where will applications be taken and what time?  Who will be taking the applications?

The first day of application intake is September 21, 2020. Application processing is estimated to be completed by November 17. Residents with appointments must attend their scheduled time slot at the Customer Service Center located at 102 N. Lee Street.  NO LATE OR MISSED APPOINTMENTS WILL BE HONORED – Must be rescheduled if the program schedule and funding permits.

Once I fill out an application how do I receive the grant?

 The relief program will provide grant payments of up to $350 paid directly to utility providers (City of Valdosta Utility, Georgia Power, Colquitt Electric). No funds will be disbursed directly to the applicant.

Do I have to be a City of Valdosta resident to participate?

Yes, the program is only available to City of Valdosta residents.

What do I need to bring with me to fill out an application?

Residents will submit to City staff a copy of utility bills and a State-Issued ID along with their City of Valdosta Utility, Georgia Power, or Colquitt Electric account number.

Can multiple residents in the same household apply for the grant?

The maximum grant per ADDRESS is $350. Multiple applicants sharing an address will have a combined $350 limit.

Who can I call if I have questions about the program?

For further information regarding this program, please contact the City of Valdosta Neighborhood Development Division at 229-671-3617.