//Lowndes Schools providing online instructional reviews

Lowndes Schools providing online instructional reviews

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Starting Monday, March 23 Lowndes County Schools will offer online, grade-level instructional review activities for their elementary and middle school students at: one.lowndes.k12.ga.us

Additionally, Lowndes High School students can access instructional review resources on a site linked from one.lowndes.k12.ga.us and the Lowndes High School website at https://lhs.lowndes.k12.ga.us.

Teachers will be available during regular school hours to monitor their school email and can address concerns or questions from students or parents.

See further details in the official release below.


Good Evening Viking Family,

We have received requests about providing instructional resources so our students can remain actively engaged while they are away from the classroom.  We created a separate webpage, one.lowndes.k12.ga.us, which includes directions for accessing instructional programs through Clever for grades 2-8, as well as other resources our certified staff felt would benefit our students.

Beginning March 23, we will start providing grade-level instructional review activities for our elementary school and middle school students.  For Lowndes High School students, we will provide instructional review resources for select academic courses on a site linked from one.lowndes.k12.ga.us and the Lowndes High School website at https://lhs.lowndes.k12.ga.us.   The instructional review activities will cover skills that were taught previously during the school year.  New skills are not being introduced. Students can access these activities online via Google Classroom, their Lowndes County email, or at one.lowndes.k12.ga.us.  For students and families who may not have access to an internet network or may not have access to a digital device, hard copies of the instructional review activities will be available at our food distribution locations beginning on March 24.  These assignments are meant to be optional and will not be used for a grade.

As students begin working through the instructional review activities, our teaching staff will be available during regular school hours to monitor their school email and can address any concerns or questions students or parents may have.  Should you or your child have a question, your teachers may be reached by email, Remind, or Class Dojo.  If you have problems logging into Clever (grades 2-8), please send an email to portal@lowndes.k12.ga.us with your child’s name, teacher’s name, and grade level. 

We are fortunate to be a part of a community that ensures our children have the support and services they need to be successful.  The instructional review activities were not created to burden our families. We wish to provide this service for our families seeking our assistance in providing instructional support during this time.

Until we receive further instructions, please continue to practice the safeguards as directed by our Federal, State, and local health officials.  We will continue to provide academic support and COVID-19 updates as they develop on our website.  A list of our food distribution sites for the week of March 23 can be found at the one.lowndes.k12.ga.us website.

Take care and be safe!