//Colquitt EMC Power Outage Update

Colquitt EMC Power Outage Update

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VALDOSTA – October 12, 2018. It is easy to forget others are without power when your own is restored. Colquitt EMC customers have still got a way to go. As of 10 a.m., there are still 12,500 customers without power.

Last night, Thursday, October 11, at 8:00 p.m. Colquitt EMC updated 16,000 without power, with 18,000 restored.

Nineteen hours ago, Colquitt EMC posted on their Facebook page:

We are getting power restored!! As of 2:00 p.m., total outages are approximately 22,000. We would like to thank our members for their patience and understanding as we work to restore service. Crews are working as safely and quickly as possible to make repairs. Colquitt EMC appreciates the encouragement that we have received from our members as we continue to put the system back together again.