//Wiregrass Students Win at State Competition

Wiregrass Students Win at State Competition

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Wiregrass-Deca-WinnersVALDOSTA, GA   – Students from the Wiregrass Georgia Technical College chapter for Collegiate DECA along with their faculty advisor Phyllis Lightsey attended the Student Professional Development Conference on February 6 – 8, 2014 in LaGrange, Georgia. Collegiate DECA students attending included Alex Terrell and Paul Bennett of Valdosta. Alex placed first in the Professional Sales category for Prepared Business Presentation. Paul placed second in the Entrepreneurship category for Starting a New Business.

Alex Terrell will compete in the International Collegiate DECA Career Development Conference, April 23 – 27 in Washington, DC in the Professional Sales category. This will be the second year in a row that he has attended the national conference. He attended in 2013 after winning first place at state. He will be competing nationally with many 4-year universities and national technical and community colleges.

Source: Wiregrass Georgia Technical College Press Release