//I Am That Mom

I Am That Mom

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By Allison Spence

I am that mom

Parents, today I did that thing where I judged another mom for something and then caught myself doing the same.

It was a complete stranger and I judged her as she pleaded with her daughter, “please stop screaming, do you want a snack? If you’re good I’ll buy you a toy.”

I thought to myself, Grafton would NEVER act this way in public as I hand him his second pack of Welch’s gummies to keep him quiet. 

I continued, Grafton would NEVER talk back to me and I’d NEVER buy him something to make him happy. As he pushed his truck across the shopping cart handle. The truck I make sure to pack to avoid meltdowns. 

I was applauding myself inside for my sweet 2-year-old keeping busy in the cart, when my newborn started tugging on her seat straps. She let out an initial yelp and I shoved a pacifier in her mouth. 

Thank God my kids aren’t addicted to pacifiers, I thought, staring at Eleanor sucking on hers.

I hear a cough a couple aisles over and I say to myself, “so glad my kids aren’t sick all the time,” as Grafton wipes his snot across his sleeve.

At this point Grafton has accomplished every thing I had judged. He throws his truck on the ground for the fourth time and I lose my composure, “that’s it buddy you lose your truck!”

He lets out a huge cry, a cry that continues until we leave the store. 

That’s when it dawned on me, who the hell am I to judge? I bribe my kids with gummies, toys and pacifiers. 


So here’s my public apology to all the moms with screaming toddlers and crying babies. To the moms that keep their diaper bags stacked with snacks. To the moms who are fighting bigger battles at home. To the moms who are doing their best while being judged.

I am sorry.