//All American Potluck Pointer

All American Potluck Pointer

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By Julie Patrick

VALODSTA – If you’re lucky enough to share your life with a pet, then you know how awesome they are.

They make us laugh, they drive us a bit cray, and they’re always up for a good cuddle.

Pets give us company, reassurance, and love.

For me, I feel like my relationship with Rudy is mother-to-child. I try to set boundaries for him with a wireless fence, I expect him to do what I ask, and I love him unconditionally and do everything I can to ensure he is the happiest and healthiest dog possible.

He respects me (I hope), but occasionally does things just to push my buttons or to see what he can get away with.

He’s just like having a toddler at this stage.

Rudy is Forever Jewels’ babydog and All-American Potluck Pointer

One of my elderly patients came into the office the other day and we were talking about how we both had four-month-old puppies. He had his in the truck and asked if I would like to go out to see him.

Of course I jumped at the chance to get a little fresh air and some socializing with a sweet little K-9.

Once I met Maggie (his black lab) and received many lick, licks, I whipped out my cell phone and forced Mr. Davis to look at some pictures of my baby boy.

“He’s a fine looking dog, what kind is he?” Mr Davis asked.

“Well, he’s an American Potluck pointer,” I said.

Mr. Davis paused for a few minutes and I could see that he was trying to remember this rare exotic breed. After his brief thought process he said, “Yeah, I heard they are really good dogs.”

In my eyes, Rudy Cogburn Patrick is a fine breed and I call him a Potluck Pointer.

Rudy’s mama, Jessie (Boykin Spaniel), which belongs to my brother, went on spring break last year and came back home muddy, covered in hitch-hikers, thirsty, tired and pregnant.

Ha, ha, Spring Break will do that to ya!

We’re not sure who the father of all the four pups is, but it could be Sam, Son-of -Sam, or fifteen other dogs down at the dairy.

When they were first born this past September, I immediately fell in love with the swashbuckling pirate lying next to his mother.

I refuse to call my baby boy a mutt, cur, or a Heinz 57, because he’s the most handsome boy ever and I love him.

Rudy loves to ride on the golf cart with my dad, harass all my cats, flip his Yorkie sister, dig up the back yard, tackle me when I get home, scoot in the house when the opportunity arises, lay under his heat lamp when it’s cold, play all day, eat with gusto, ride to town and love ME, unconditionally.

So let’s see some pictures of your pets; be it a purebred, mixed, cat, rabbit, horse, goat or boyfriend.

We may even choose a Pet of the Week on ValdostaToday.com and highlight his adorable mug.

Forever Jewels