//A Million People Are Saying They’ll Raid Area 51

A Million People Are Saying They’ll Raid Area 51

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The Air Force is weighing in on a recent Facebook event that has begun to pick up speed since its inception in early July, scheduled for September 20.

The event?


Storm the infamous top secret Area 51 in Nevada and see the aliens and UFOs many people think are being secreted in its innards, or underground.

Over a million people have agreed to storm Area 51 on September 20

Tongue-in-cheek? Satire? Serious?

Well, that’s hard to say, since it’s the Internet.

One never knows.

The growth of followers grew. Fast. A few thousand, then, um…er…over a million.

Which has the Air Force pricking its proverbial ears and saying, “…no?”

“[Area 51] is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces,” warned Air Force spokesperson Laura McAndrews in a Washington Post interview.

Area 51 for many years was not even acknowledged to actually exist but Google earth and diehard mystery-seeking sleuthers have painstakingly managed to negate that denial through hard-headed insistence to the contrary. The CIA confirmed it was real in 2013, but claiming it was only a facility for aircraft testing.

Truth seekers have planted themselves outside of the area, which they believe is an extension of Edwards Air Force base, and are, to be fair, followed incessantly with camo-clad, gun-toting nefarious sorts, tailed by unmarked sinister vehicles, eyed from afar…

In 2017, the Pentagon revealed it spent $22 million in tax dollars on a secret program for analyzing these anomalous objects, and most recently Naval officers were able to speak openly about formerly classified incidents encountering very daunting unidentified flying objects resembling large “tic tacs”.

Those who are planning on making the pilgrimage – “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” – are supposedly scheduled to meet about an hour from Las Vegas, in Amargosa Valley, Nevada.

According to VICE.com, a diagram of a game plan by Facebook user Jackson Barnes, with 86,000 likes, includes people “Naruto running,” referencing the anime ninja Naruto Uzumaki who runs head-forward and arms-back to protect against potential attacks by the U.S. military.

SmyleeKun, a famous video game streamer, chimed in, saying, “If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens.”

However, VICE.com reported, Barnes added, “P.S. Hello, US government, this is a joke, and I do not actually intend to go ahead with this plan.”

Those intent on raiding the base know it won’t be easy. When a tour bus accidentally entered Area 51 in 2014, despite the warning signs, they were fined $650 and threatened with misdemeanor convictions.

Documentary filmmaker of top- and above-top-secret whistle blowers Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot recently wrote in both her website and the Facebook page:

TO THE STORM AREA 51 GROUP: Hi all, I think its a fun idea but it could end up as a blood bath or at the least a lot of arrests! How about if we take all this great energy and create a huge conference at LITTLE ALI-INN RIGHT NEAR THERE? That way people would have a constructive informative place to vent their feelings and create an atmosphere for learning?? I am suggesting to my colleagues who would be willing to help set this up and any fundraisers who might want to help. It’s a military facility and you can’t get in underground anyway!! contact me on Facebook or email kerry@projectcamelot.tv if you are interested in channeling this energy in a constructive way… THE SAME MESSAGE WOULD BE SENT… DISCLOSURE NOW…without the strife.

Project Camelot