//In Other News: The Three Foods Republicans and Democrats Agree On

In Other News: The Three Foods Republicans and Democrats Agree On

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GrubHub.com looked at 187 different congressional districts that lean heavily liberal or conservative, and figured out which foods Democrats order more than Republicans . . . and vice versa.

Usually these lists are pretty stupid, because they’re either too arbitrary or too stereotypical.  But this one is alright, because they also figured out which ‘bipartisan’ foods are UNITING the country.

First, the ten foods Republicans order more:  Sweet and sour chicken . . . cannolis . . . brownies . . . egg rolls . . . boneless wings . . . lo mein . . . sesame chicken . . . gyros . . . calzones . . . and mozzarella sticks.  So a lot of classics, but not all that healthy.

The top ten for Democrats are massaman curry . . . veggie burgers . . . spring rolls . . . guacamole . . . pancakes . . . green curry . . . burritos . . . turkey burgers . . . basil fried rice . . . and avocado salads.  So a lot of stuff people didn’t order a decade ago.

And the five most BIPARTISAN foods are spicy salmon rolls . . . bacon cheeseburgers . . . shrimp and broccoli . . . spicy tuna rolls . . . and lemon chicken.  So the three things we can all agree on are burgers, Chinese food, and sushi.

Time magazine also posted a quiz where you can find out if your diet leans more Democrat or Republican.  So if you want to base your vote on whether you prefer BLTs or buffalo chicken wraps, now you can.  (You can take the quiz here.)
