Sam the Man’s Music Blog: Music and Why…

VALDOSTA - Music is a universal language that can be spoken all across the world and, not only spoken, but understood. It's one of those things that everyone enjoys, to one degree or another, be…

Common Spence: A Survival Guide for the Common…

By Allison Spence Hi there, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Allison Spence and I am a sleep deprived, coffee-motivated mother. I am probably not your typical mother. I don’t always post on…

The rides at the Moultrie Swap Meet

Looking for a three deuce intake manifold to convert your LeMans to a GTO clone?  Need a fender for a 69 Comet?  A freshly chromed grill for your 49 New Yorker?  Or maybe some random…

Racing Around The World With Dinner

My father and I are avid formula 1 racing fans.  Not only is it arguably the premiere automotive racing series in the world, they literally race all over the globe.  From exotic European locations like…

Jay’s Blog: Bohemian Rhapsody Movie Review

Since the moment I read online that there was going to be a movie about Queen, I was stoked.  The music.  The videos.  The epic concerts.  Freddie.  Queen!  Let's get this out of the way…