//Six Hours Sleep Just Isn’t Cutting It

Six Hours Sleep Just Isn’t Cutting It

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As we all know, the ideal amount of time for sleep is eight hours. However, humans being humans, we tend to achieve far less.

A recent study published in the journal Sleep took a total of 48 adults and put their sleeping limits to the test. During the studies the participants were allowed to sleep for either four, six, or eight hours a night for two weeks. A select few were sleep deprived for three consecutive days.

The groups were asked periodically, “How do you feel?” and the answers were as expected…for the most part.

Those who had eight hours of sleep had the highest performance on average, as expected. Surprisingly, after the first week those who had six hours performed just as poorly as those who weren’t allowed to sleep at all. Those who only had four performed just as bad and in less time.

Not so shockingly, those who only had six hours of sleep were in denial about just how tired they actually were. Sound familiar?

Now on to how we can actually get the sleep that we need. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Have a consistent bedtime
  • Cut out electronics at least 30 minutes before bedtime
  • Get enough exercise
  • Limit alcohol intake

Sleeping better leads to performing better. Are you sleeping enough?