Red Cross gives fire safety tips for Fire…

Release: Fire Prevention Week: Test smoke alarms, practice escape plan National Fire Prevention Week is October 4-10, and the American Red Cross urges everyone to test their smoke alarms and practice their escape plan as…

Comment period open for bridge, SR 133 projects

Release: TIFTON – Comments are being accepted on a bridge replacement in Brooks County and the widening/reconstruction of two sections of State Route (SR) 133 in Worth and Colquitt counties. Georgia Department of Transportation usually holds…

SR 112 Flood Damage Repairs Completed

Release: Wilcox County: SR 112 open following flood damage repair TIFTON – Georgia Department of Transportation today finished flood damage repairs on State Route (SR) 112 in Wilcox County and reopened the road. Motorists now have a…

RCUT proposed for Bemiss Road intersection

The darkest line on Bemiss Road shows where a raised continuous curb with bollards would be installed to prevent left turns from Huntley Drive. The diagram does not show the U-turn. Release: A Reduced Conflict…