//New study ranks GA #2 in outlook for student loan debt

New study ranks GA #2 in outlook for student loan debt

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ATLANTA – A new study by a National Student Loan Debt Index reveals the outlook for student loan debt with Georgia ranking #2.


According to Scholaroo’s recent survey, between 25% and 50% of college tuition costs are covered by student loans, and over 15% of students expect to pay off their loans in more than 16 years.

To get a deeper look at the current situation, Scholaroo’s National Student Loan Debt Index – a report conducted to holistically analyze student debt in the U.S. – found that Georgia has some of the highest student debt in the country per borrower, ranking #2 with an average of $42K in debt per borrower. Most borrowers have between $20K and $40K in debt.

Want to know how the other states rank? Here is the ranking map of student debt per borrower:

(Overall ranking in descent order, with #1 considered the highest.)