//Georgians outsourcing home tasks at a record pace

Georgians outsourcing home tasks at a record pace

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ATLANTA – New data shows that Georgians are using independent contractors for personal and home related tasks at a record pace.

New data from Taskrabbit that shows Georgia residents are outsourcing personal and home related tasks with independent contractors at a record pace. 

According to the TaskRabbit Independent Contractor Index — which examines the number of tasks completed and satisfaction ratings for home improvement projects on the industry leading TaskRabbit platform – residents in Georgia significantly increased their usage of independent contractors and ranked #1 for showing appreciation towards gig workers. 

To identify the most appreciative states, analysts at TaskRabbit leveraged key indicators such as: average tip amount, work recommendations given, frequency of good reviews, and number of polite phrases used. 

States ranked in order of gratitude score towards independent contractors. 

1. Wyoming
2. Mississippi
3. Georgia
4. Vermont
5. New Jersey
6. Oklahoma
7. Kentucky
8. Nebraska
9. Washington
10. Arkansas
11. West Virginia
12. Florida
13. New Mexico
14. Arizona
15. Missouri
16. Nevada
17. New Hampshire
18. Virginia 
19. North Carolina
20. Texas

With Wyoming, Mississippi and Georgia topping the list, the South takes a lead in politeness and overall appreciation shown towards gig workers. 

For the complete list of rankings — or additional details about Independent contracting and gig economy trends in your region — please see the link below:
