//Morning News Briefs for 7-26-17

Morning News Briefs for 7-26-17

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A father that lost his daughter in the January tornado that struck in Cook County wants mandatory storm shelters put in place for mobile home parks in that area. Jamie Livingston lost his 19 year old daughter Alexis during the storm and he started a petition drive for the storm shelters. He plans to present his petition to state lawmakers later in the year.

Providing behavioral health clinics, finding homes for clients and improving community services provision are just a few of the Thomasville programs established to help that community and others in the region. The diversion of patients into what is termed lower level care is a priority for state mental health leaders. So far over 300 people in the Thomasville area have been assisted. One program covers rent and utilities for the clients as their recovery plan is enacted.

Investigators with the Valdosta Police Department arrested Lawrence Franklin and Jahnard Brooks both 18 years of age in connection with the Shanna Circle shooting incident that happened on July 15th. Their victim Traveiz Hill was shot twice during an argument with the two suspects. Police Chief Brian Childress thanks members of the community for providing information that led to the arrests of Franklin and Brooks.

Training is available for applicants wanting to learn a trade as Hunt Industries, a construction and contracting company, plans to expand its operations in Valdosta with a 42,000 square-foot facility. 30 new jobs, will be created by the expansion including positions for engineers, pipefitters and welders’ carpenters.

Area teachers lined up at the Second Harvest Food Bank to receive school supplies. it was time for the Teacher’s Harvest event and educators from across Southwest Georgia took full advantage of the opportunity to get the school supplies. At last report Second Harvest officials report that they served just over 1,000 educators.