//Americans For Prosperity Georgia Supports Affordable Care Act Noncompliance Act (HB 707)

Americans For Prosperity Georgia Supports Affordable Care Act Noncompliance Act (HB 707)

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Americans For Prosperity Logo ATLANTA, GA – Today Americans for Prosperity Georgia, a chapter of the nation’s foremost advocate for health care choice, announced its support for the Georgia Health Care Freedom and ACA Noncompliance Act (HB 707).

HB 707 would prohibit implementation of the Affordable Care Act by forbidding Georgia State government employees to partake in any activities related to the ACA’s enforcement, and would restrict money flow from Georgia taxpayers to implementation of ObamaCare. The bill would also prevent the state of Georgia from establishing a health care exchange.

AFP-Georgia Grassroots Coordinator Joel Aaron Foster had the following to say: “Georgia families don’t want to suffer the consequences of ObamaCare, which include cancelled plans, lost access to doctors, and skyrocketing medical bills. Despite the President’s promises, ObamaCare is not the way to ensure that Georgia residents have access to affordable, quality medical insurance.

“HB 707 empowers Georgia residents with a voice over their health care decisions, instead of letting President Obama and his allies speak for them.”

AFP Georgia’s support for HB 707 is a continuation of AFP’s ongoing efforts to fight for health care freedom. Efforts include television, radio, and online ads, as well as robust grassroots action and events across the country.

Source: AFP Press Release