//Gov Deal Orders ‘Review’ Of Common Core

Gov Deal Orders ‘Review’ Of Common Core

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GA-state-capitolJust months after Governor Nathan Deal and state Superintendent John Barge were reportedly on the same page in regards to common core standards, Deal has seemingly flipped the script. The Governor this week called for a sweeping review of the Common Core standards, and has now asked the State Board of Education to ‘un-adopt’ a part of the program that includes sample English test selections that infuriated some parents.

The Board of Education held committee meetings on Wednesday, but did not formally discuss that letter. It is likely to be on the agenda when the board meets in September.

The move to remove national Common Core standards has been a common target of tea party groups, who have strong ties to Dalton Mayor David Pennington- a future opponent of Governor Deal.

Read more from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution here.